Show them “too many” ads.
Don’t save their information — make them re-enter it.
Complicate the purchase process — and double-down on shipping prices.
Oh, we could go on, but you get the picture. Feedback platform Usabilla surveyed 2,000 US consumers to find their pet peeves and, yes, there’s more…
Is retargeting getting credit for sales that would have happened anyway?
Well, yes — and that’s according to both marketers and consumers.
You’re going to want to read this...
How much is personal data worth?
$150 on average. That’s US dollars, and the average price consumers in the UK, US, and Germany would ask their favourite brand to pay them in exchange for their personal data.
How much for Google to monitor and track them across all their digital devices? $25, apparently.
Read more…
How do you get people to join your loyalty programme?
Give ‘em free points, cash back, free stuff — just don’t make anything an effort for them.
Yes, it’s really that easy…
Google App Maker now out of beta
First announced a year and a half ago, Google’s App Maker is now generally available to all developers with a G Suite Business, Enterprise or Education subscription. App Maker is meant to make it easy (even for people with no coding experience) to build and deploy business apps.
Excited? Well, hey, we are.
Read more…
Google webinar: Website Security and Manual Actions
What are you doing this Thursday at 6 am? Yeah, we know it’s early….but you might want to make time for this.
If you’re in New Zealand, that’s when Eric Kuan, Webmaster Relations Specialist for Google, features in a special SEJ webinar covering two hot topics for SEOs: website security and manual actions.
Register here...