First Thing Monday – July 10 2017

There’s always plenty happening in the fast-moving world of online search and advertising. Here’s a summary of key things that caught our eye last week…

Looking at the US “Crystal Ball” Mobile Ad Spend Over Half all U.S. Digital Ad Spend — First Time Ever
Some incredible stats from the US IAB around Digital Ad Spend including Mobile up 77% and reaching over half all Ad Spend (for the first time ever), mobile video up 145% and Social up over 50% … Read More

Facebook soon to let you Target Family Members
A soon-to-be-released function in Facebook will allow advertisers to target families and people in the same household. Brands will be able to select a source audience (custom audience) and then turn on the household audience feature to reach not just the person they’re targeting, but also other people in the same household.… Read More

YouTube offers sub-$3 refunds for ads shown next to extremist videos
YouTube is fanning the flames of advertiser discontent with paltry compensation offers to unimpressed brands and their ad agencies, according to the Financial Times… Read more

Facebook tackles fake news by reducing reach of habitual offenders
Facebook says it will deprioritise links to fake news, clickbait articles and spammy pages from people who routinely post such links. Cat videos will, of course, still be welcome but, as Facebook gingerly edges towards adopting more stringent editorial policies, we wonder: will Twitter follow suit?.…Read more

Google Posts are removed after 7 days, with one exception
A very good new feature in GoogleMyBusiness is the ability to add posts. Google has confirmed however that these posts (that show up in your listing in local search results) are more temporary updates and will be automatically removed in 7 days unless linked to a specific event. …..Read More


What we’ve been reading this week

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About the Author SureFire

These search marketing news updates feature articles of interest picked up through the week by the SureFire team.

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