
Google Changes AdWords Price Extensions to Swipe Cards

In July 2016 Google rolled out price extensions for mobile ads allowing advertisers to display pricing information in mobile text ads.

The original format was in a static list form. This week Google announced in a tweet that the trial it has been running for swipe-able cards will be adopted as the standard format for price extensions in mobile ads.


In addition the price extensions will be available in another 10 languages. Available languages now include English, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Swedish.

There are seven categories of price extensions that can be applied and the following guidelines must be followed when implementing them:


All headers need to be actual brands offered and can’t contain anything other than the brand names. For each header, the description should provide further information about that specific brand.

  • Example header: Vida Bed Linen
  • Example description: Duvets, Bed Sheets, Pillow Cases


All headers need to relate to specific events (such as date of event, location of event, type of event, or performer). For each header, the description should provide further details about that specific event.

  • Example header:  Rythm and Vines Festival, Gisborne
  • Example description: NZ’s largest Music Festival, Gisborne or 29-31 Dec 2016


All headers need to be locations relevant to your business. For each header, the description should provide further details about that specific location.

  • Example header: Auckland
  • Example description: 5 CBD locations


All headers need to be sub-regions or districts within a city or region. For each header, the description should provide further information about that specific neighbourhood.

  • Example header: Ponsonby
  • Example description: 1-bedroom, 2-bedroom Apartments

Product categories

All headers need to be variations of a product category. For each header, the description should provide further information specific to that product category.

  • Example header: Tennis shoes
  • Example description: Men’s, women’s, junior

Product tiers

All headers need to be levels or sizes. For each header, the description should provide further information about that specific tier.

  • Example header: Deluxe
  • Example description: Our largest gift basket


All headers must be types of services. For each header, the description should provide further information about that specific service.

  • Example header: Teeth whitening
  • Example description: 30-minute walk-in appointment

Service categories

All headers need to be variations of a service category, which is a category that includes several specific services. For each header, the description should provide further information about that specific service category.

  • Example header: Dental
  • Example description: Kids, fillings, whitening

Service tiers

All headers need to be levels of services. The description must provide further guidance on each service tier.

  • Example header: 3-star hotel
  • Example description: In-room bar, free Internet

Why should you care?

Price extensions showcase your business’s offerings in detail, so people can find what they want more quickly through your ad. Since each price extension listing has its own link, people can tap straight from your extension to what they want on your mobile site.

In many cases it is also a great way to use your text ad as a primary filter. By displaying a range of prices related to your various products or services you are potentially preventing unnecessary clicks and cost. Those that do click on the ads have seen the price and it has not put them off so, in an ideal world are better qualified. Those that are put off by the price would most likely not have converted when they came through to your site so you have saved the cost of that click for a better qualified visitor.

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About the Author Glenn Marvin

Glenn is a Partner and Senior Consultant who has had a very successful career building growth companies in the private equity arena. He has a wealth of experience in both the digital space and strategy development. Prior to becoming a partner in SureFire Glenn built one of the largest digital teams in New Zealand for a NASDAQ listed global online marketing company & Google's largest premium partner.

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