NZ IAB Ad Spend Data – Mobile Advertising Leads Growth

The Q2 Interactive Ad Spend report for New Zealand has just been released and there is a $40 million dollar increase on Q2 2014 which is a 30.17% growth and the first half year Ad spend has seen a 44% on the 2014 figures.

The fastest growing channel continues to be mobile with a 113% increase in spend for the first 6 months vs 2014 lead by extremely solid growth in the smartphone category which had a 189% growth over 2014.

The only channel that has not experienced significant growth was classifieds which in fact saw a 1% decrease in spend.

Q2 2015 Digital Ad Spend Revenues

Television (grey line) is holding steady however newspaper revenues (blue line) continue to decline and the interactive Ad spend (yellow line) now exceeds both traditional channels significantly.

Traditional Vs Digital Ad Spend

Why should you care?

Any good investigator will tell you to “follow the money” when you want to get the real answers. The money in the interactive ad spend is showing where consumers are spending more and more time. The decline in newspaper and rise of interactive revenues is clearly indicative of where consumers are now being found, targeted and how you need to focus your spread of budget.

As we have previously reported the growth in mobile highlights the need to have mobile friendly websites especially with Google favouring mobile friendly sites in rankings on mobile devices.

If you are unsure of how “mobile friendly” your site is Google has this mobile friendly testing tool you can enter your website into to check.



The latest news about web marketing, SEO, PPC Advertising & Web Analytics. But only the stuff that matters from a New Zealand perspective. Delivered to your inbox each Monday.

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About the Author Glenn Marvin

Glenn is a Partner and Senior Consultant who has had a very successful career building growth companies in the private equity arena. He has a wealth of experience in both the digital space and strategy development. Prior to becoming a partner in SureFire Glenn built one of the largest digital teams in New Zealand for a NASDAQ listed global online marketing company & Google's largest premium partner.

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