40% of people search only on smartphones

Google has released a detailed study which provides a fascinating insight into how consumers use different devices to access the Internet and search.

Spoiler alert – this study categorically reinforces the fact we now live in a ‘mobile-first world’ and as a marketer, you ignore it at your peril.

We highly recommend you download the PDF which you can find here.

Some of the key findings are:

For a Quarter of Users, It’s a Mobile-Only World

On an average day, more than 1/4 of all users ONLY use a smartphone. This is nearly twice as many as those who only use a computer. This means if you aren’t reaching your customers on mobile, you risk missing out on 1/4 of your potential audience.

Device usage in an average day

People Spend Almost 3 Hours a Day On Smartphones

Average time spent on devices used in an average day:

Search has gone mobile

Nearly 4 in 10 users search ONLY on their smartphones on an average day. That’s why today Google receives more searches from smartphones than on computers.

Nearly 4 in 10 users search only on their smartphones in an average day

More searches happen on mobile than on computers and tablets for 15 out of 24 hours a typical day

Search volume by device during an average day

Mobile search is growing across numerous categories

The chart below shows Y-o-Y growth in mobile searches for different categories as reported by Google.

Mobile Search is Growing Across Categories

Why should you care?

This study reinforces something we regularly bang on about: you simply can’t ignore mobile. If you still don’t have a mobile-friendly website then reading this study should convince you that you need one.

Click here for more search marketing news.


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About the Author Mark Sceats

Mark is a Partner and Senior Consultant at SureFire which he founded back in 2002. Prior to establishing SureFire he worked for KPMG Consulting. Today Mark heads up SEO, embracing the challenges that can come with complex website implementations. Outside of work, his interests beyond his family are running, snowsports, diving and fishing (badly).

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