
Want better Customer Reviews?

Speak up! You’ll get better customer reviews if you reply to them. That’s the conclusion of an exhaustive study of TripAdvisor reviews conducted by marketing professors Davide Proserpio and Giorgos Zervas, and published in Harvard Business Research.


Google to pay more tax on NZ ad revenue

Google and Facebook, which generate hundreds of millions of dollars in NZ, have each confirmed they will cease funnelling New Zealand revenues through low-tax jurisdictions, such as Singapore and Ireland. This means more tax income for NZ plus better transparency on NZ online advertising spend.


Publisher shuts shop after Facebook algorithm change

It’s a cautionary tale we can all learn from: You don’t own your Facebook audience; you merely rent access to them.


How do we stamp out click fraud?

Digital ad fraud cost advertisers over $16b USD last year according to one estimate. Google, Yahoo, and others are doing what they can to combat the problem of botnets — evidenced by the invalid clicks you see credited to your account.

MarTech columnist Mary Wallace says too many marketers remain unaware of the issue, however.


Mixed success for APAC publishers battling Google and Facebook

While Google and Facebook now account for over 50% of digital ad spend in the APAC region, publishers have been seeing declining ad revenue.

NZ’s KPEX — the ad exchange run by Fairfax Media, TVNZ, Mediaworks, and NZME — is leading the fight back, and now claims greater reach locally than Facebook.


Baffled by Programmatic pricing?

You’re not alone. Recent changes in bid strategies have many marketers wanting to know more about auction dynamics and how ad prices are set. And, yes, they also want programmatic platforms (DSPs) to reduce prices.


About the Author SureFire

These search marketing news updates feature articles of interest picked up through the week by the SureFire team.

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